Moo Chapter 2

“This is Katie Caustic reporting from the “Circle G” farm,” she said while smiling brightly into the camera. “It''s only recently that full knowledge about this farm came to light and new legislation was quickly enacted to make the farm legal.”
The camera panned out across the massive pasture, stopped, and zoomed in on a small grove of trees. It was too dark under the clump of trees to see much of anything, so the camera zoomed out and continued its pan until it was aimed at Katie Caustic once more. She said, “Today, I came here to give you an inside look at this farm and how it’s able to produce the milk that has become so popular. Never did anyone think milk would come to replace soft drinks and coffee.”
 At that moment a woman in a white coat appeared at Katie’s side and the reporter said, “This is Doctor Amy Dancer, the doctor that developed these amazing techniques and leads operations on the farm.” She turned to face the doctor and asked, “Why did you begin such experimentations?”
 “Years ago I found certain women had fantasies, “she blushed awkwardly, “so I set about finding ways of allowing these women to bring those fantasies to life.”
 “Interesting,“ mused the reporter, “I hate that we don’t have time to get into the whys of these fantasies, but we need to get onto the purpose of my being here.”
 The reporter turned toward the camera as it zoomed in close on her face. She said, “Today this reporter has agreed to go through one of these transformations for you. I understand the process is long and complicated, so the station will edit it to show you only the best parts. We will take you live right up to the first incision. I have asked the good doctor to keep me awake through every step so that I might be able to give you vocal descriptions of what it’s like for me. Usually the voice is the first thing modified so that the subject can no longer speak, only moo like a cow. The doctor has agreed to forego that until some later date. I also hope to, later, give you a report of life in the pasture.”
 Even though Katie was giving a brave front to the camera, she was scared to death. She did find the idea of becoming a cow exciting, but that wasn't the primary reason for having the process done. Stupidly, she had ran up a gambling debt and the station would fire her for sure if they found out she was involved with the mob. The woman figured by doing this she could kill several birds with one stone. The mob would figure she had been punished enough, the station would have great ratings, and she would live a fantasy while winning a Pulitzer.
Katie faced the slightly older woman and said, “Doctor, I’m ready when you are.”
The doctor smiled and said, “Follow me and take off your clothes as soon as we are in the operating room.”
 Katie faced the camera and said, “We are now in the operating room where the procedure will be done.” She bashfully removed her skirt, blouse, and underwear. She added, “I guess we are ready, now.”
She thought how many letters she had received over the years from fans asking for nude photos of her. Those people finally got their wish. Even though she had a nice body, she was still embarrassed to stand naked in front of a live camera.
Katie laid on the table and the doctor said, “Please turn onto your stomach. Since you want to be awake, I’ll have to give you a spinal.”
The reporter did as she was asked and felt the sting of the needled. Her spine then began to feel as if it was on fire. A short time later she laid there feeling nothing from the neck down, and unable to move. Her mind began to think of all the reasons she should turn back. She thought of how much she loved her career, but knew it was likely to end soon, anyway.
 The doctor rolled Katie so that she was on the back and said, “It's time to begin. Since you can speak and are awake, I’ll give you one more chance to back out.”
Without any hesitation, she said, “Let's do it.”
 A saw screamed to life and the reporter saw blood fly through the air as the device cut through her right leg just below the knee. The doctor said, “At first I was taking off the legs at the knee, but found out that if I drop below it a few inches, it makes it easier for the cow to move around.”
 “This is the hoof,“ she said, holding up the object, “It’s carved from human bone. We get the bone from the slaughter house.”
It took a lot of time to attach the hoof to the severed bone of her leg. Katie said, “I feel no pain and it’s odd seeing my foot laying in a bucket, with the shoe still attached." The reporter knew she would miss wearing her expensive high-heels.
 The second leg soon followed. Katie said, “I can’t see what’s going on so I appreciate the doctor describing it for you. To be honest, I am glad I can’t see it.”
 Once the legs were done the doctor made an incision the length of the elbow and then cut the bone. Simply, she just turned the elbow around in place and inserted plates and screws.  She then sutured the skin back around it. She did this to the other arm as well. The last part of the arm was to remove the hands and graft on the hooves. Most of the hand was removed, but the wrist joint was left in place to facilitate walking.
 Katie said, “I can’t wait to try out these new arms… err… I mean forelegs. I am sure life is going to be a lot different by just not having hands.”  Katie went on to describe in detail a story she had done on a family born with no hands.
 Once the casts were in place on the new forelegs, the doctor said, “It's time to remake your stomach, you should feel some pressure, but there should be no pain. This process is not as complicated as it might seem. I basically take out your stomach and digestive system and replace it with a bovine system that has been genetically altered to transplant into a human. In a few days your body will accept the new stomach and begin to process food as if you were a genetically born cow.”
“From now on, I understand my diet will be mainly grass and hay,” said the perky reporter. No matter what she felt inside, she would put on a brave face to the camera. Inside she was nervous and scared, hoping she had made the right decision.
 The doctor said as she sutured up the woman’s abdomen, “This is where you get to sleep for a few days and then lay around for a month until we can remove your cast and bandages. Also, I will give you the injection to start the process for the other changes. In the past we grafted on the tails, but now it should grow along with your fur. Your feed will have other drugs to further the process.”
“Will I have access to information so that I can continue to tape the story?” asked the reporter.
“Your attendants have been told to answer any questions, “said the doctor, “also your camera will be set on a tripod with a pressure switch remote that your hooves can easily activate.”
Katie smiled and said, “This is Katie Caustic reporting from “Circle G” farm. My next broadcast will be taped, and from my stall. I bid you a good day.”
As promised, the shot put Katie to sleep and she awakened three days later in the stall, the same stall in which Laura had been. The reporter woke-up extremely thirsty. It took minutes for her to realize where she was… and why. Katie looked down at her disfigured arms and legs and began to cry. The realization of what she had done hit the seasoned reporter. She knew, now, there was no going back. She was forever a girl-cow.
Painfully, she slid her way to the water trough and managed to put enough weight on her new forelegs to raise her enough to drink. The water was cool and refreshing, but it only aroused the hunger in her stomach. She looked in the other trough and saw the brown slop that smelled horrible. At first she thought about asking for some real food, but knew she wouldn’t get it. Katie tasted the slop and it was horrible.
 Without eating, she laid down on the hay covered floor and cried herself to sleep. When she awakened, a man was standing in the stall. She looked up at him and asked hopefully, “May I have something to eat?”
The man was handsome, the type of man she would have dated. He looked in the feed trough and said, “You have plenty of feed. You had better eat it before it spoils.”
 “I mean, may I have some real food?“ asked the desperate reporter.
 The man laughed and said, “That’s as real as your food is going to get for a while.”
Giving up, she asked, “What’s in the mush?”
 “Are you sure you want to know?” asked the man.
Something snapped in her and the reporter came to life. She looked around and saw the camera and the remote laying inches from her hoof. She asked more alertly than she should have been able to, “Would you please face the camera and tell the people what is in the mush?”
 He did as she asked and said, “The mush is mostly water with ground soybean, ground oats, certain medicines the cows needs, honey, and blood from the slaughtered girl-cows.”
 She, now, wished she had followed the man’s advice and not asked. The man left and she looked into the trough of mush and stuck her face into it. She left the camera on as she ate, knowing she needed the strength it gave her.
Even though the mush tasted horrible, she ate it until she was full. Again, she slept.
She woke-up starving and went back to the trough and ate more slop. She ate until it was all gone. Even though she was still hungry, no one came that night to refill her trough.
The next time she awakened the doctor was standing there and said, “You should turn on the camera, I have some things to explain to you.”
Groggily, she found the remote and pressed it with her fore hoof and asked, “I am starving, when can I have something else to eat. That mush doesn’t seem to be filling me. I have eaten until I can’t hold any more and am still starving.”
 The doctor smiled and said, “That’s what I’m here to explain. Your digestive system has been dormant, you need a drug to activate it, which is why I am here.”
“Thank goodness,” said Katie, “I am near starving to death.”
 The doctor said as she injected a brown liquid into the girl-cow and said, “Do you remember from school the digestive processes of a cow?”
The reporter nodded.
“In a few minutes you will belch up the mush. You can then swallow it immediately since it needs no more chewing. The second swallow of the mush will satisfy your hunger. I suggest you practice this process with the hay in your stall, because when you are turned out to pasture, you will only get the mush at milking time.”
Alarmed, she asked, “What do you mean ‘turned out to pasture’?”
 “I’m trying to make this experience as close to that of a real cow for the girls that are brought here,” she said. “They never know what to expect, and the pasture is not one of them. You do not get the comfortable shelter of this stall, even in winter. Until we developed the fur, which you will have soon, we did bring the cows in during harsh weather. That limited the number of cows we could have. Now that we don’t have to shelter the cows we can have almost an unlimited number at any one time.”
This truly was something Katie hadn’t expected, but she knew that it was too late to object. Instead of complaining, she belched and her mouth was filled with the half digested mush. She had thought it tasted bad before; it was even fouler now. Still, she was desperately hungry. She swallowed and some new instinct kicked in as she belched up more mush. Soon the hunger was beginning to quail to a more tolerable level… still, she was hungry and there was nothing left to belch up.
The doctor said, smiling, “We wait to give the injection for a couple of reasons. For one, you need the time for your digestive system to begin fully functioning and you would never swallow that mush a second time if you weren’t nearing starvation.”
 Katie knew the doctor was right and silently cursed her. When the doctor had left, the reporter stared at the hay on the floor and knew she had no choice but to try eating it. She attentively took some in her mouth and began chewing, and chewing. She did this the next thirty minutes. Only then did she reluctantly choke down the course roughage.
 She found, as had the cows before her, that much of her life was going to be spent chewing. To her surprise, the regurgitated hay had softened greatly and was soon chewed well enough to swallow again, satisfying her hunger. Katie learned to eat as much hay as possible so that she had a good supply of cud to get her through the night. The human cow would wake often to chew the cud that had come up, and once she had chewed and swallowed, she went back to sleep.
The next night Katie began to itch terribly. She slept little that night and woke to a surprise. Her fur had begun to grow. It was very light, but there. Since she was blonde to begin with, the hair would have to get much thicker before it was extremely visible. To her surprise, that took only a week more.
A few weeks later the door opened and the doctor came in and said, smiling, “The big day is here, time to remove your cast and bandages.”
Katie truly beamed. This was a day she had looked forward to. She had sought this day as much out of curiosity as it was to know she would be able to move around freely. Excitedly, she found the remote, turned the camera on, and said, “Let's do it.”
The doctor took out the saw and began to remove the cast. There was not as much dust as Katie had thought there might be. Once the first cast fell away, she stared at her deformed arm. At first she stared only at the hoof that had replaced her hand. She then bent her arm to bring it closer to her eyes, when instead, it moved away.
When the cast and bandages were all removed, the doctor said, “Time to try out your new legs. I’m sure there will be some pain, but the more you use them the quicker the pain and stiffness will subside.”
Katie faced the camera and put weight on her fore legs. They, now, felt awkward without the cast as she nervously added weight to them. The next thing she knew, she had her full weight on them and her hind legs were coming up to support her rear.
The girl-cow felt steadier on her legs than she had expected and out of instinct, said to the camera, “I guess it's only normal to be steadier on four legs than two… I feel solid.”
Tentatively, she took a step, but went nowhere, she had forgotten to move her hind legs. This time she told her mind to crawl. This worked, but she moved awkwardly.
The doctor said happily, “I see your tail is growing out already.”
Katie forgot about walking and asked, “May I have a mirror or something so that I can see myself?”
 “You silly cow, “she said, pointed to the back wall, “turn on the monitor.”
If Katie would have had a hand, she might have slapped her forehead as she looked up to see a large plasma screen on the wall. The reporter looked at the remote and found the button labeled “TV” and pressed it. What she saw on the large screen shocked her. She hadn’t seen a girl-cow before now… the doctor wouldn’t allow it. She had said no girl was allowed to know what to expect.
 The reporter turned on her new legs as she watched herself in the monitor. She moved closer to the camera so that she could see the three-inch object that was to become her tail. It was covered in the same blonde hair as her body.
It was her breasts that she noticed more than anything else. She didn’t know how she had missed it… they had doubled in size. She looked down in awe between her fore legs at the breasts. She had never thought her smallish breasts would ever be so large.
The doctor said, “The injections, as well as the mush, has hormones in them to help your breasts grow and begin milk production.”
For hours after the doctor had left, she ate hay and walked in front of the camera, watching herself as she learned to use her new legs. Something inside her snapped and she began to love herself more than she ever had as a human. It was as if she had become what she should have been born to be.
Katie looked at the camera and said, “Throughout this I have had trepidations, wondering if this was a mistake. You might think to allow yourself to be mutilated like this would be insane, and you may be right. I came here for all the wrong reasons, some I can’t go into, but to be sure, I am happy at this point. I am happier than I have ever been. There are so many new things to learn and I know there will be struggles ahead, but I will face them knowing I will be the best girl-cow ever.”
The doctor came into her stall as she was laying on the stall floor chewing her cud. She said, “It's time for you to go out to pasture. We have installed cameras in strategic places for you to continue your reports.”
 She put a small collar around Katie’s neck and said, “This is your microphone so that we can hear everything you say. I must warn you, though, I’d be careful talking to the cows. None of the cows can talk… they can only moo.  Many have become close friends, but they have never spoken to one another.”
 “I’ll be careful,” said Katie, as she felt sad at missing out on that part of the experience. She could only imagine what it might be like to be unable to speak, to be able only to moo.
The pasture looked a hundred times larger than it had when she had seen it while standing on two legs. Hesitantly, she walked through the gate and out into the lush green pasture. As almost every cow before her, she sampled the lush green grass and was satisfied with its taste. Even if it had tasted horribly, she would have been doomed to eat it the rest of her life.
She made her way to the top of the hill and the small grove of trees. She saw hundreds of girl-cows just like her surrounding the trees. Katie had never imagined there would be so many. She thought how she had come into this at least partially informed, while the cows before her knew nothing of what was to happen to them.
 Two cows started walking toward Katie, this made her nervous. She felt like she had when entering a new school for the first time. One of the cows had red hair, while the other was brown. The girl-cow with the brown hair rubbed her cheek against hers and smiled. Katie knew this was a friendly gesture and thought she had found a friend right away.
 What Katie didn’t know was that the two cows had been told to expect her. The doctor knew that the reporter would be safer with those two. Safer in the respect that if any found out she could speak.
Red and Laura showed the new cow around the pasture. During the tour she found most of the cameras. One was located conveniently in a tree near the stream, and another was on a post where most of the cows went for their toilet needs.

A week had passed as she grazed with her new friends. It was odd to become such close friends with someone and never have spoken a world to them.  She had managed to get out only one report and that was when she went to relieve herself. She decided against using that camera again. Katie felt it was just not right giving a news report where you had just shit.
Toilet issues were something she wasn’t sure she would ever get used to. Cleanliness was something she had always prided herself on. She had been one of those freaks that used baby wipes after crapping. Now, she was forced to do her business with no chance to wipe herself clean. The only cleanings she got of any kind was the occasional hosing by the farm hands, wading in the creek, or the frequent cold rains.
What had been a vibrant busy life had been reduced to doing nothing except eating and shitting. She often wondered about what it would be like to be unable to speak like the others. At times she longed for it.
She found herself alone, wandered off to one of the more isolated cameras, and said as she faced the device, “This is Katie Caustic reporting from the “Circle G” pasture. I have been giving milk for three months, now. As you can see, my breasts are swollen since it is nearly milking time. Also, you can see the constant milking has caused my teats to grow in length. I never thought I would have had two-inch teats.”
At that moment she felt something behind her. Her first thought it was a wolf. Occasionally, a girl-cow was found half eaten from such an attack. She turned to see Brown staring at her in anger. She had heard her talking.
 When she turned around, Brown took off running as fast as she could on her cow legs. Not as used to her legs, Katie couldn't catch her friend. Luckily, Brown stopped short of reaching the rest of the herd. That gave Katie the chance to talk to her. They faced each other and Laura mooed angrily at the woman.
Katie said, “Please forgive me. This is only temporary. I am a cow just like you, only I can speak, at least for a while. I was allowed to keep my voice so that I could do reports to tell the world how great it is to be a girl-cow.”
Laura mooed and looked at red off in the distance. Katie nodded and said, “I’ll tell her, and I am so sorry for not telling you. The doctor thought it was best if I told no one.”
 Laura smiled, touched her face to Katie’s, and mooed softly. As soon as they got Red off to the side, she told her the same thing that she had just said to Laura. The two cow’s mooed at one another and then laughed, if you could call it that. It was more of a broken moo. It was then that Katie realized that the two could communicate with each other; they had developed their own strange language. It was Katie’s time to feel left out, to be different.

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